Technology Engineering Seminar (SEMRESTEK) 2023

Technology Engineering Seminar (SEMRESTEK) 2023 is an annual national seminar held by the Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University, to bring together scientists, academics, researchers, engineers, industry practitioners and government circles to exchange information and share experiences in order to answer the challenges of dynamic development of science and technology. The activity involved academics and practitioners as demonstrated by the presence of 10 companies as sponsors of the activity, namely; PT. Eternal Radiant Arcon, PT. Bauer Pratama Indonesia, Indonesian Contractor and Construction Entrepreneurs Association (PERPEKONI), Indonesian Civil Engineering Experts Association (PASTI), Management Experts Association (PRATAMA), PT. Eka Bogainti (Hokben), PT. Gala Cipta Mas, Kembarindo Interior Design & Furniture, PT. Adikarya Rylyn, PT. Consulindo.


Keynote Speaker at the event SEMRESTEK 2023 is Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc, PhD (Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation of IKN Nusantara) along with a welcome Welcome Speech from Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, SH., M.Sc., FCBArb (Rector of Pancasila University) and Opening Speech from Dr. (HC). Ir. Siswono Yudo Husodo (Head of YPPUP Development). Closing Remark from Dr. Ir. Budhi Muliawan Suyitno, IPM (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University). The SEMRESTEK 2023 event also invited several speakers that is Prof. Dr. Ir. Walter Timo de Vries (Technical University of Munich, Germany); Prof. Dr. Ir. Jonbi, MT., MM., M.Si, Inv (Pancasila University); Dr. Ir. Hermanto Dwiatmoko, M.STr, IPU (Chairman of the Indonesian Railway Society/ MASK), And  Ir. Resdiansyah ST., MT., Ph.D (Vice President of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Indonesia).

In the opening, the Chancellor of Pancasila University Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, SH., M.Sc., FCBArb said the city was the greatest phenomenon of the 21st century, continuing to develop in structure and composition. Over the past 65 years, there has been a shift in the rural population to the city, this has made the burden on the city increasingly heavy with challenges and environmental degradation, traffic jams, declining infrastructure and sanitation. This national seminar, as a national scale seminar, is expected to provide benefits for the city's development in the future.

DR (HC)  Ir. Siswono Yudo Husodo as Chief Builder Pancasila University Foundation, stated that he has decades of experience in developing new cities in Indonesia, as a developer, he has experience that the government often lags behind in building infrastructure compared to the community's ability to develop houses and the environment, so that infrastructure is often not well planned. Infrastructural inequality also occurs because development is only concentrated on the island of Java, population distribution is very necessary, considering that Indonesia consists of thousands of islands, with the five largest islands; Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. Therefore, President Soekarno's idea to move the nation's capital, which was only implemented in the era of President Joko Widodo, was very appropriate, to spread the population, even personally, Ir Siswono even proposed that every 200 years, the capital be moved in rotation to other large islands.

Prof. Mohammed Ali Berawi, M.Eng.Sc, PhD who holds the position of Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation of IKN Nusantara, stated that the developed IKN will provide Indonesia's Active Contribution in Three Global Campaigns: BIODIVERSITY-in the form of Protect and preserve the archipelago's biodiversity, CLIMATE CHANGE-The archipelago plays an important role in ensuring the goal of being carbon neutral by year, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS-The archipelago will have its own Voluntary Local Review (VLR) to track SDGs achievements at the local level, and accelerate the achievement of the UN 2030 Sustainable Agenda.

Ir. Resdiansyah ST., MT., Ph.D who served as Vice President of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Indonesia in his presentation stated that: Smart System Technology and Supporting Networks That Connect All Modern City Infrastructure implemented in the National Capital of the Archipelago is a system that aims to make IKN a World City - a sustainable city and the epicenter of Indonesia's economic growth. The smart city system implemented by digitalizing infrastructure in IKN will make IKN a planned and smart city.

Presentation by a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University Prof. Dr. Ir. Jonbi, MT., MM., M.Si, Inv, states the need for Advanced Materials that can be used for infrastructure development in sustainable cities, apart from that pdevelopment of the National Capital City or IKN Nusantara futuristic and environmentally friendly is expected can creating new economic growth in IKN so that it needs to be ensured that it is balanced with improving the quality of life of local communities, not marginalizing them. In closing, Prof. Jonbi suggested that pfig Stakeholders need to prioritize the use of technology and materials invented by their own nation for sustainable city development. The use of imported advanced materials, needs to be combined with local materials, Increasing knowledge of human resources for project workers and local communities so they can contribute to development

Dr. Ir. Hermanto Dwiatmoko, M.STr, IPU in office Chairman of the Indonesian Railway Society (MASK) delivered a paper with the theme "Mass Transportation and Logistics Towards Sustainable Cities", stating that trains are the future transportation in Indonesia, with various challenges and developments. Railways provide transportation services that are reliable, efficient, high capacity, and in line with the future needs of population mobility with minimal environmental impact. The rail network will strengthen the spatial structure in creating high-density corridors that suit the compact city concept.

This seminar is also inviting Dr. Ir. Walter Timo de Vries  from Technical University of Munich, Germany, who presented the paper "Analysis of Land Use Changes Due to Sustainable City Development - the IKN case", highlighting the problems and anticipations related to the development of new city areas, by comparing several countries that have moved their national capitals, Dr Walter, emphasized that complexity will arise accompanying city development new, namely; city growth (urban growth), energy; related to providing energy for the new city, whether it relies on fossil energy or sustainable energy, water needs to support city growth and population, as well as land rights or land use which relates to government control over city growth, ecological damage and so on.

The event closed with a closing remark: from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University, Dr. Ir Budhi Muliawan Suyitno, IPM, with thanks to the speakers, participants and committee at the SEMRESTEK seminar, which has been held regularly since 2018, the Dean representing Pancasila University also expressed his thanks to the 350 participants, with 54 scientific articles with 10 articles coming from the university throughout Indonesia, as well as to the 10 sponsors who helped organize this seminar, the Dean hopes that the seminar theme chosen and the discussions that took place will be a valuable provision for the Indonesian people.



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