The Faculty of Law of Pancasila University (FHUP) successfully held a training entitled Sharia Economic Law aimed at lecturers. This training presented an experienced resource person, Mr. Mirza Karim, SH, LL.M, who discussed various aspects of sharia economic law comprehensively.
This activity aims to improve the understanding and competence of lecturers in the field of Islamic economic law, which is increasingly relevant in the academic world and legal practice today. Participants actively discussed and studied various materials presented by the speakers, including regulations, implementation in the Islamic financial system, and challenges and opportunities in legal practice in Indonesia.
As the closing event, the Head of the FHUP Law Study Program presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr. Mirza Karim, SH, LL.M, as a form of appreciation for his contribution in sharing knowledge and experience with FHUP lecturers.
With this training, it is hoped that lecturers will be better prepared to teach and develop studies of Islamic economic law in academic environments and provide broader insights to students.