The Faculty of Psychology, Pancasila University (FPsi-UP) Organized a BK Teacher Seminar with the theme "Council Teachers as Reliable Facilitators and Problem Solvers in Student Learning"

Guidance and Guidance Teachers as Reliable Facilitators and Problem Solvers in Student Learning

The role of the Counseling Guidance Teacher (BK) is very important and significant with its ability to directly contact students emotionally and be able to provide very reliable problem solutions to all learning problems that exist in the school environment. Therefore, the performance of guidance and counseling teachers must continue to be improved so that they can have a good impact on all students.

The Faculty of Psychology, Pancasila University (FPsi-UP) held a Guidance Teacher Seminar with the theme "Council Teachers as Reliable Facilitators and Problem Solvers in Student Learning". FPsi-UP invited representatives of SMA/SMK/MA guidance counselors in the Jakarta area. This activity took place in the UP Psychology Faculty Hall and was a series of activities for the 18th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology. Present at this activity was the Chancellor of Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, IPU, Deputy Chancellor II Mr. Ir. Handrito Hardjono, MM., MPA., MSM. who also opened the event, Marketing Director Mrs. Dra. H. Dewi Trirahayu, MM. and the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, UP, Mr. Prof. Dr. Awaluddin Tjalla, M.Pd. and his staff.

Apart from introducing the faculty, maintaining ties with guidance and counseling teachers and implementing the tri dharma of higher education, this seminar also aims to increase and develop the insight and experience of guidance and counseling teachers so that they can become facilitators and problem solvers for their students as explained directly by Mrs. Wiji Kusrini, M.Pd (Head of South Jakarta Region I Education Sub-Department). 

In his presentation, BK teachers are professional educators who focus on developing students' character, personality and abilities. They provide guidance and counseling to students in various aspects of life, such as academic, career, and social emotional. Guidance and Guidance Teachers must also be able to accompany students in overcoming problems and finding appropriate solutions, and Guidance and Guidance Teachers must be able to motivate students to achieve goals and develop their maximum potential.

Followed by the second material which discussed Assessment and Student Talent Interests which was explained by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, FPsi UP, Mrs. Aully Grashinta, M.Sc., Psi. "This event is expected to become an annual event for FPsi-UP, so that we can establish close relationships with the guidance and counseling teachers. The guidance and counseling teachers have the function of being able to guide and accompany the students, therefore the guidance and counseling teachers have a very important role in the education unit," said Prof. Tjalla. who met on the sidelines of the event

On the other hand, FPsi-UP also held Student Creativity Week (PkM) which presented students' scientific writing products using a Project Based Learning (PBL) approach. This student activity will last for 3 days starting from 23 – 25 July 2024.

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