Consultation and Legal Aid Institute (LKBH)

The Legal Consultation and Aid Institute (LKBH) Faculty of Law, University of Pancasila is a forum for supporting the Tridharma of Higher Education, namely community service. This institution was founded in 1986 by the Minister of Justice, and continues to grow today. the function of this institution is to carry out as one of the functions of the Tridarma of Higher Education, namely as community service. LKBH has two main tasks, namely legal consultation and legal assistance. LKBH in helping clients does not charge a fee and voluntarily. As one of the community service institutions, LKBH provides legal services both litigation and counseling to the community with the principle of Justice For All. 

LKBH Faculty of Law Pancasila University as an activity unit of the Faculty of Law was established with a purpose

  1. Providing assistance related to legal issues, especially for people who are economically disadvantaged and have legal knowledge of the underprivileged, regardless of ethnicity, religion, race or class.
  2. Increasing the horizon of knowledge for students and teaching staff at the Faculty of Law, University of Pancasila, especially practical knowledge in the field of law in real cases
  3. Provide legal protection assistance for underprivileged communities 



To become a quality legal institution that can contribute to the development of legal science and legal practice by balancing legal knowledge with legal developments in society


Providing assistance related to legal issues, especially for people who are economically disadvantaged and knowledge of law are seen as less capable by not discriminating against ethnicity, race, religion, or class.

LBKH is also a forum so that the public can consult with good and quality institutions so that mistakes do not occur.


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