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Pancasila University Professional Certification Institute
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Pancasila University Professional Certification Institute
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Pancasila University Professional Certification Institute
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The professional certification body is an extension of the BNSP which is responsible for carrying out professional competency certification. Pancasila University LSP (LSP UP) is a 1st Party LSP (multi-sector) formed by the Chancellor of Pancasila University based on Chancellor's Decree Number: 3235/KEP.R/LSP/UP/X/2015 and registered with BNSP with a license number based on the decision of the chairman of BNSP . KEP.0972/BNSP/IX/2017 on September 11, 2017. The LSP UP license has been extended based on the decision of the BNSP chairman Number KEP.0566/BNSP/III/2021 on March 29, 2021.

LSP UP was founded on the initiative of several lecturers who had received competency assessor training directly from BNSP and was supported by the Chancellor of Pancasila University and his staff. Until now LSP UP has 78 active competency assessors. In addition, LSP UP also has 28 schemes and 28 verified competency test sites (TUK). The 28 schemes consist of various fields of study, including the fields of Electrical, Civil, Informatics, Industry, Machinery, Architecture, Economics, Tourism, Law, Pharmacy, Psychology and Communication. LSP UP's routine activities in the context of seriousness in equipping Pancasila University graduates, namely ensuring the competence of prospective graduates in the fields of interest. Competent students will receive a BNSP certificate signed by the chairman of the LSP, to complete a Diploma Companion Certificate (SKPI). Another LSP UP activity that is most important is the addition of scope (PRL), so that prospective graduates have many choices of fields of interest. Professional certification is one way to provide assurance that prospective graduates of Pancasila University students meet competency standards in the certification scheme requirements and maintain their competence. The 28 schemes owned by LSP UP are: 

LSP UP has 4 heads of fields, namely: 

1. Scheme and certification field, 

2. Field of Quality Management

3. Field of Financial Administration 

4. Competency Test Place Coordinator (TUK)


LSP UP Purpose:

1. Producing skilled workers who have competence in their scientific fields

2. Producing expert workers who have competence in their scientific fields in the era of globalization


As a certificater who organizes competency certification. LSP has the following functions and services:

1. Make competency test materials.

2. Provide examiners (assessors).

3. Conduct an assessment.

4. Arrange qualifications with reference to the IQF.

5. Maintain the performance of assessors and TUK.

6. Make competency test materials.

7. Development of a certification scheme


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