The 2022 Matching Fund (MF) Team Program, Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University (FTUP) succeeded in producing a beta prototype of a wheelchair for people with disabilities which was selected as the 5 participants whose products were exhibited from all MF 2022 participants at the National Technology Awakening Day Exhibition (Harteknas).
"The output of the 2022 FTUP Matching Fund (MF) is a beta prototype of a wheelchair for people with disabilities who were selected as the 5 participants whose products were exhibited," said the Head of the 2022 Matching Fund (MF) FTUP Wheelchair Team, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwi Rahmalina in Jakarta, Saturday. This product is part of 10 innovative products that have been tested, including products from the 2022 Kedaireka Matching Fund Grant Program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
Matching Fund (MF) Team member Dhidik Mahandika added that the Beta prototype of the Wheelchair for Persons with Disabilities was the result of collaborative activities between the Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University and Industrial Partner PT. Mega Andalan Kalasan (MAK). This prototype was developed from the initial design of a wheelchair owned by PT MAK, which was specifically designed to have high strength but light weight and is equipped with assistive technology for people with disabilities with TKT 7. It is targeted that the Beta Prototype for Disabled Wheelchairs has a TKDN of 60 percent and It is expected to be able to support Health Independence in Indonesia," he said.
Apart from Dhidik, other members consist of Dr. Agri Suwandi, ST, MT, Dr. Dede Lia Zariatin, ST, MT, I Gede Eka Lesmana, ST, MT, Nur Yulianti Hidayah, ST, MT, and Desinta Rahayu, ST, MT. Through the activity title Research Innovation Downstream Design Engineering Prototype of High Strength and Light Wheelchairs for Children with Disabilities to Support Health Independence, the MF FTUP Team participated in enlivening the 28th Commemoration of National Technology Awakening Day (Harteknas) which was marked by a Technology exhibition from 11-11 13 August 2023 at Plaza Tenggara Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta with the theme "Research and Innovation Talents for Indonesia Gold 2045".