Carrying Cultural and Environmental Preservation, the Sidekah Bumi Event in the Overtime Sawah Bogor Tourism Village Gets Assistance from Pancasila University

Hundreds of residents enthusiastically took part in the event Sidekah Bumi & Overtime Snack Festival at Lembur Sawah Tourism Village, Mulyaharja Bogor on Sunday, July 7 2024. Since morning, residents have been coming together carrying dongdang containing agricultural produce. Various forms of dongdang are decorated according to the creativity of each group of residents. Helaran Sidekah Bumi is a typical Sundanese tradition that expresses the people's gratitude to the Almighty for the harvest obtained in the past year, and specifically for the 2024 implementation, it received assistance from the Faculty of Tourism, Pancasila University.     

            Starting with the distribution of shuro porridge to the audience, then the event opened with a performance Ratong Hatong which is a typical dance of the Mulyaharja agricultural community and symbolizes the harvest and thanksgiving procession by 6 dancers. Next, a dongdang procession from various community groups began approximately 400 meters away, followed by prayers by ulama and elders. Residents showed high enthusiasm when fighting over various agricultural products found in Dongdang in a cheerful atmosphere. The community also enjoyed various traditional snacks and snacks made by local MSMEs that appeared in the Overtime Snack Festival. Uniquely, people use coconut shells as a transaction tool. The public is also entertained with various dance performances, Kang Madun's tattoo music, tarawangsa, and closed the performance Wayang Golek by Dalang Supandi Supriatna.

Bogor City Regional Secretary Syarifah Sofiah in his opening remarks stated that Sidekah Bumi as a community thanksgiving tradition carries the spirit of environmental conservation and is therefore very relevant to answer the current issue of Climate Change. "If we look after the earth, then the earth will look after us," he said.

Chairman of the Sidekah Bumi & Overtime Snack Festival committee Siti Nurfazriah expressed his emotion at the enthusiastic response from the community. "At first we were only trying to revive ancestral traditions, but now we are also proud that through Sidekah Bumi, Lembur Sawah village is becoming increasingly well known and has become one of the leading cultural tourism destinations in the city of Bogor." Furthermore, the Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, Pancasila Univ Prof. Arissetyanto Nugroho stated that Sidekah Bumi is a real manifestation of the local wisdom of residents which is carried out with the pentahelix collaboration of society, government, academics, industry and media. "We sent a team of lecturers and students to this activity because Sidekah Bumi is very in line with the spirit of sustainable tourism and is an excellent venue for the application of knowledge, especially from Event Management Study Program that we manage.”  



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