Institutional Units

Prof. Dr. Agus Surono., SH, MH

Head of the Pancasila Study Center (PSP)

Prof. Dr. Eddy Pratomo, SH, MA.

Head of International Relations & Cooperation Institute

Prof. Dr. Tri Widyastuti, SE, Ak., MM, CA.

Head of Internal Oversight Unit

Dr. Fitria Angeliqa, M.Sc

Head of the Language Institute

Prof. Dr. Iha Haryati Hatta, SE., MM.

Head of the Planning and Development Agency

  Prof. Dr. Amin Soebandrio, Ph.D., SpMK (K).

Head of Research and Community Service Institute

Dr. Nurmala Akhmar, SE., M.SI., AK., CA.

Head of Quality Assurance Institution

dr. Andiani, M. Kom

Head of Professional Certification Institute

Ir. Petiana Indriati, MM

Head of Center for Entrepreneurship Development & Student Career Services

Agung Saputra, ST., MT.

Head of Center for Information & Communication Technology

Brig. Pol. (Purn). Drs. Untung Leksono, M.Si., Psychologist.

Director of the Center for Management & HR Capacity Development

dr. Dewi Trirahayu, MM

marketing director

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