Pancasila University has again produced Doctoral graduates of the Doctoral Program in Economics in an open session, Dr. Erwandy, MM and Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Riki Yanuarfi, S.Ag., SH, M.Si., both of whom officially received their Doctorate in Economics and became the 163rd and 164th Doctoral graduates. This promotion was a special moment because Dr. Erwandy, MM who also serves as the Head of the Education and Culture Office (Dindikbud) of Pangkalpinang City was attended by the Mayor of Pangkalpinang and his staff, as well as Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Riki Yanuarfi, S.Ag., SH, M.Si. who serves as the Head of the West Sumatra BNNP, was attended by the Head of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI) Marthinus Hukom and other relations (24/02)
Dr. Erwandy successfully earned a Doctorate in Economics after defending his dissertation entitled "Whistleblowing Internal Audit Model with Social Influence as Moderator (Empirical Research APIP at Regional Inspectorates throughout the Bangka Belitung Islands Province)". In his research, Erwandy emphasized the importance of internal auditors to dare to reveal problems found during the audit process. He also highlighted the role of social interventions, such as awareness campaigns and ethics training, in encouraging whistleblowing behavior among internal auditors.
On the same day, Brigadier General Pol. Dr. Riki Yanuarfi, S.Ag., SH, M.Si. in his dissertation entitled BNN Organizational Agility in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era. He mentioned a number of challenges currently faced by BNN. One of them is the issue of budget limitations. "As a member and personnel of BNN, I try to see and test whether the BNN organization is agile or not? Because with the changes in the current industrial revolution, BNN is required to be agile," he said.
According to Dr. Riki, the future challenges regarding drug crimes are not ordinary crimes, but extraordinary crimes. "Therefore, the performance of the BNN is required to be good and green, so what? So how can the BNN suppress the number of drug trafficking in Indonesia," he said. Ricky argued that the Head of the City BNN and the Head of the Provincial BNN must be able to maintain good performance in society in this 4.0 era.