Pancasila University Inaugurates Four New Professors, Strengthens Commitment to the Nation

Pancasila University (UP) officially inaugurated four Professors on Tuesday (25/2/2025), located in the 4th Floor Hall of the Faculty of Pharmacy Building. The inauguration was also attended by the Chairperson of the Pancasila University Education and Supervisory Foundation (YPPUP) Siswono Yudo Husodo and his staff, UP Chancellor Prof. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and officials of Pancasila University.

Rector Prof. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo emphasized that this moment is a significant step for the institution. "A professor is the highest position that carries a great mandate. With the addition of four professors, Pancasila University is committed to developing science, contributing to national development, and creating a young generation that is optimistic about the future of Indonesia," he said.

The four Professors who were confirmed were:

Prof. apt. Hesty Utami Ramadaniati, M.Clin.Pharm., Ph.D. (Clinical and Community Pharmacy)

Focusing on pharmacotherapy, chronic disease management, and drug use education, Prof. Hesty has reduced the number of patient rehospitalizations to 15% through innovative education programs.

Prof. Devi Roza Krisnandhi Kausar, Ph.D., CHE. (Tourism Science)

An academic who develops sustainable tourism research and destination marketing. Prof. Devi is known for her sustainable ecotourism projects and national awards in tourism.

Prof. Dr. apt. Esti Mumpuni, M.Si. (Pharmaceutical Analysis and Medicinal Chemistry)

Contributing to research on herbal medicines with anticancer potential and international collaboration in diabetes treatment.

Prof. Dr. Herawati Zetha Rahman, MT. (Innovative Infrastructure Management and Financing)

Expert in public-private financing models for rural infrastructure, which have been adopted nationally, as well as strategic consultant in the development of new capital cities.

With the addition of four Professors, the total number of Professors at Pancasila University now reaches 34 people. UP also plans to continue developing research and community service with a focus on four main issues: food, health, energy, and climate change.


"UP Professors do not only play a role in the classroom, but must also be an inspiration and solution to the nation's problems," added Prof. Marsudi.



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