Pancasila University Adds 3 Professors

Pancasila University has again increased the number of Lecturers with Academic/Functional Positions of Lecturers with Professor/Professor Titles in 2024. Head of LLDikti Region III Prof. Dr. Toni Toharudin, S.Si., M.Sc. submitted the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia to 11 New Professors and 3 of them came from Pancasila University.

3 New Professors at Pancasila University, namely:

1. Dr. Dede Lia Zariatin, ST., MT. The 27th Professor in 2024 in the Field of Manufacturing Engineering Technology and Automation, is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering and Deputy Head of the Quality Assurance Institute of Pancasila University.

2. Devi Roza K. Kausar, SE, M.Tourism, Ph.D., the 28th Professor in 2024 in the field of Tourism Science, is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Tourism, Pancasila University. 

3. Dr. Ir. La Ode M. Firman, MT. The 30th Professor in 2024, in the Field of Renewable Energy Science (Hydroelectric Power Plant, Waste Power Plant, Drying Machine) who is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering and Secretary of the Master of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Pancasila University.

This Decree was submitted on the sidelines of the Launching Event for the New EL-KITE System (Electronic Integrated Individual Rank Services) as an Implementation of Permendikbudristek 44 of 2024 in the framework of the Change Project which took place at the Bina Nusantara University Auditorium, Anggrek Campus (31/10).

EL-Kite is an Artificial Intelligence-Based System that is ready to support the implementation of Permendikbudristek 44 of 2024, so that the service process for Proposing Academic Positions for Lecturers and Inpassing/Rank for Higher Education Lecturers in LLDikti Region III are combined and processed simultaneously. Lecturers will receive three documents in one initial Academic Position proposal, namely the Credit Point Determination Document, Academic Position Decree, and Inpassing/Rank Decree.

The EL-KITE application has been integrated with PDDikti and SISTER, so that Lecturers do not need to re-enter existing data in the PDDikti and SISTER Applications. The EL-KITE application is also equipped with an Electronic Signature, so that the process of submitting Documents can be faster. 


Also present at this event were the Chancellor of Pancasila University Prof. Dr. Ir. Marsudi Wahyu Kisworo, IPU., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Prof. Dr. Ir. Arissetyanto Nugroho, MM, IPU., CMA., MSS. who accompanied the New Professors in receiving the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

Pancasila University Public Relations



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