Pancasila University Receives Academic Partner of The Year Award

Award. "Academic Partner of the Year for Their Outstanding Partnership and Collaboration", is an award for the support of sustainability, cooperation, collaboration and synergy of Higher Education with various activities of PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (Persero) / PT PII and implementation of pipeline project guarantees according to the mandate given by the government to PT PII as the Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

This award was given by PT PII Commissioner Mariatul Aini, together with PT PII President Director Muhammad Wahid Sutopo, Business Director Andre Permana and Finance Director Donny Hamdani to Pancasila University and received directly by UP Chancellor, Prof. Edie Toet who was present was accompanied by the Dean of the UP Faculty of Engineering who is also the 31st RI Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications, Dr. Ir. Budhi Muliawan Suyitno and Deputy Dean I of the UP Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Herawati Zetha Rahman, ST, MT

This appreciation was also given to 5 other tertiary institutions UNPAD, UGM, STAN, UNPATTI, and UNMUL at the 13th Anniversary of PT Penjaminan Infrastructure Indonesia (Persero) (PT PII) INFINITY (Innovative Financing in Unity) in the Mezzanine Djuanda I Hall of the Ministry RI Finance. (01/03) Also attending this activity was the Indonesian Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, SE, M.Sc., Ph.D. Minister of Public Works, Public Housing, Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Ir. H. Mochamad Basuki Hadimoeljono, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Indonesian Minister of Transportation Dr. Ir. Budi Karya Sumadi who was present online, where the three of them were also resource persons in the Panel Discussion with the theme: "Innovative Financing Ecosystem Collaboration"



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