Pancasila University has officially increased the number of lecturers with the Functional Academic Position of Lecturer as Professor/Professor in the Field of Mechanical Engineering, taking place in the Ki Hajar Dewantara Hall Office of the Higher Education Service Institution Region III (LLDikti Region III) on (9/01).
Head of Region III Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti III) Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP submitted the Decree of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology concerning the appointment of lecturers' Academic/Functional Positions as Professors/Professors to Prof. Dr. Ismail, ST., MT.
Prof. Dr. Ismail, ST., MT is a lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at UP and also currently serves as Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Masters Study Program (S2) UP.
Present at this activity the Chancellor of Pancasila University Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, SH., M.Si., FCBArb. Vice Chancellor II UP, Dr. apt. Novi Yantih, M.Sc. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Dr. Ir. Budhi M. Suyitno, IPM. Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Ir. Dwi Rahmalina, MT and Chancellors and other Higher Education Leaders such as Bina Nusantara University, Pelita Harapan University, IBI Kwik Kian Gie, Atma Jaya University who were also present accompanying other professors from each university.