In accordance with the Decree of the Chancellor on the Change of KJM to LPM Number: 4794/SKEP.R/UP/IX/2024 dated September 9, 2024 concerning Changes in the Organizational Structure of the Quality Assurance Institution. The Chancellor of Pancasila University appointed LPM as the executor of university quality assurance and reports periodically.
Previously, LPM was called the Pancasila University Quality Assurance Office which was established on March 1, 2006 in accordance with the Chancellor's Decree number 481/KEP.P/UP/III/2006. The UP Quality Assurance Office is an institution that maintains and improves the quality of education at Pancasila University in a sustainable manner, which is run internally to realize the vision and mission of Pancasila University and to meet the needs of stakeholders through the implementation of the tridharma of higher education.
Therefore, the main task and function of LPM is to carry out strategic tasks in developing a quality assurance system, improving quality, University Good Governance and accountability for the implementation of University programs and activities.
- Preparation of RKAT in the field of quality assurance;
- Ensure the availability of University and UPPS quality standard references according to scientific fields that suit the University's needs;
- Ensure optimal implementation of the quality assurance system in line with established standards;
- Implementation of monitoring and evaluation of work unit performance at the Rectorate, Faculty and Study Program levels;
- Implementation of national and international accreditation assistance;
- Ensuring optimal implementation of the quality assurance and improvement system at the University and UPPS levels;
- Ensuring alignment of accountability, transparency, and good governance in the implementation of University programs and activities;
- Implementation of coordination with the Internal Supervisory Unit and the University Planning and Development Agency;
- Ensure the development of quality systems and implementation of quality control of internal activities in academic and non-academic fields;
- Ensure that efforts to improve the University's ranking at local, national and international levels are coordinated in accordance with established reference quality standards;
- Reporting on the implementation of RKAT in the field of quality assurance.