The Law Study Program at the Pancasila University Master's Program UPPS Pancasila University Faculty of Law held a Public Lecture Concentration of Criminal and Cyber Law with the theme: Digital Transformation, Cyber Security & Data Privacy Protection: "Legal Perspective", on December 19, 2022, in the Graduate School's Multimedia Room Pancasila University, presenting Professor of Cyber Law, Digital Policy & Regulation of Padjadjaran University Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Ramli, SH, MH, FCBArb., as a guest speaker.
The Public Lecture was officially opened by the Chancellor of Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Eddie Toet Hendratno, SH, M.Si,. FCBARb., attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Eddy Pratomo, SH, MA and Head of the Pancasila University Law Masters Study Program Prof. Dr. Ade Saptomo, SH, M.Sc., and Permanent Lecturer Prof. Dr. Astim Riyanto, SH, MH, and Dr. Asep Bambang Hermanto, SH, MH
More than 80 students enthusiastically took part in the Odd Semester General Lectures for the 2022/2023 Academic Year, both offline and online. The Criminal and Cyber Law concentration will begin in the Even Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year, complementing the existing Concentrations namely Business Law and Constitutional Law & Governance.