It is stated in the Decree of the Chancellor of Pancasila University Number 878/Kep.R/1997 regarding the change in the name of the Pancasila Philosophy Laboratory to the Pancasila Study Center and the Establishment of the Pancasila Study Center Organization.
The Pancasila Study Center has the task of assisting the Chancellor in formulating policy directions for instilling Pancasila values, carrying out coordination, synchronization, and controlling the inculcation of Pancasila values in a comprehensive and sustainable manner, and carrying out the preparation of standardization of education and training, organizing education and training.
A superior and reputable university based on the noble values of Pancasila
Pancasila Grounded at Pancasila University.
- The aim of the Pancasila Study Center is to understand, introduce and with the hope that in the future strengthen the implementation of Pancasila which is truly based on reasoning.
National Ideology Scientific Forum.
The Center for Pancasila Studies (PSP-UP) believes that Pancasila is the foundation of the state and the nation's way of life. Thus the study of the implementation of Pancasila in the life of society, nation and state becomes important. For the Center for Pancasila Studies (PSP-UP) there are several reasons for the importance of studying Pancasila, namely: first, Pancasila is a system of values that requires its application in everyday life. Second, the implementation of Pancasila can be done through various wrong ways, namely through education, research and community service. Third, the contents of Pancasila which are internalized and instilled in society can be used to establish a national identity. Fourth, the inculcation of Pancasila values requires the role of structure and organization. On that basis the Pancasila Study Center (PSP-UP) based on the Vision of Pancasila University namely "Becoming a Superior and Reputable University Based on the Noble Values of Pancasila", has the responsibility to "review, formulate and implement the direction of the policy of instilling Pancasila values as a whole and "The Center for Pancasila Studies (PSP-UP) has big aspirations as a "Scientific Forum for National Ideology" namely "To become a Superior, Innovative and Leading institution (PSP-UP) as a means of developing the study and cultivation of Pancasila values"
Main Duties and Functions
- Formulation of policy directions for planting Pancasila values;
- Preparation of a road map for planting Pancasila values;
- Preparation and implementation of a work plan and program of Pancasila values;
- Coordination, synchronization and control of the implementation of Pancasila values planting;
- Implementation of monitoring, evaluation, and proposing steps and strategies to expedite the implementation of the planting of Pancasila values;
- Implementation of socialization and cooperation as well as relations with high state institutions, ministries/agencies, regional governments, socio-political organizations, and other components of society in the implementation of planting Pancasila values;
- Assessment of Pancasila learning materials and methodologies;
- Compilation of standardization of Pancasila Education and training and organizing training; and
- Formulating and submitting policy recommendations or regulations that are contrary to the values of Pancasila;
Pancasila Study Center Activities:
On March 24 2016, the Center for Pancasila Studies at Pancasila University in collaboration with Mercubuana University and the Center for Pancasila Economic Studies at Trilogy University held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "State Direction in the Indonesian State Administration System". This activity was carried out in Building C, Room 203, Mercubuana University, Meruya Campus. This is the initial activity of collaborating on the holding of joint seminar activities with the Center for Pancasila Studies at Mercubuana University and Trilogy University.
On May 26 2016, the Center for Pancasila Studies in collaboration with the Center for Pancasila Studies at Gadjah Mada University held a Focus Group Discussion with the theme "Reflection and Reconstruction of Pancasila Science in Higher Education in Indonesia." The activity was held at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pancasila.
On October 27 2016, the Center for Pancasila Studies at Pancasila University in collaboration with the Center for the Study of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR – RI) held an Expert Meeting with the theme "Pancasila as the Nation's Philosophy of Life and the Foundation of Scientific Philosophy with a Focus on Ontology, Epistemology and Axiology Aspects" Pancasila” Activities carried out at Hotel Santika Premiere Slipi Jakarta. Present as resource persons were Prof. Kaelan, MS and Prof. Sudjito from UGM.
On February 8-9 2017, the Pancasila Study Center in collaboration with the Academic Section of the Pancasila University Chancellor held a Workshop with the theme "Improving the Competence of Lecturers for Compulsory General Subjects (MKWU)". The activity was carried out in the Postgraduate School Hall of Pancasila University, Borobudur Campus, Central Jakarta.
On March 17 2017, held an interactive discussion with the theme "Internalization of Pancasila in Increasing Political Stability as an Effort to Strengthen National Resilience". The activity was held in the Meeting Room of the Rectorate Building, floor II.
On May 30 2017, held a Roundtable Discussion with the theme "Implementation of Pancasila Values in the Middle of Identity Political Currents". The activity was held in the Hall of the Law Faculty of Pancasila University.
On January 24 2018, the Center for Pancasila Studies held a Monthly Discussion of the Center for Pancasila Studies with the theme "Pancasila, the Constitution and Constitutional Rights for Women and Children of Religious Groups" which will be delivered by Dr. Kunthi Tridewiyanti, SH, MA. This activity was carried out in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Pancasila University Rectorate Building.
On February 28 2018, the Pancasila Study Center held a Monthly Discussion Center for Pancasila Studies with the theme "Pancasila: The Path of Thought of Abdul Kadir Besar" which will be delivered by Yamin, SS, SH, M.Hum. This activity was carried out in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Pancasila University Rectorate Building.
On March 29 2018, the Center for Pancasila Studies held a Monthly Routine Discussion with the theme "The Basic Pancasila of the State: Historical-Juridical Perspective" which will be delivered by Prof. Dr. Drs. Astim Riyanto, S.Pd., SH, MH This activity was held in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Pancasila University Rectorate Building.
On April 26 2018, the Center for Pancasila Studies held a Monthly Discussion of the Center for Pancasila Studies with the theme "Theory of Dynamic Checks and Balances in State Institutional Structures" which would be delivered by Dr. Hendra Nurtjahjo, SH., M. Hum and Dr. Isnaeni Ramdhan, SH., MH. This activity was carried out in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Law Faculty Building, Pancasila University.
On June 6 2018, the Pancasila Study Center held a Pancasila Economic Seminar with the theme "Strengthening the Scientific Basis for Pancasila Economics" with Prof. Sudjito (UGM), Dr. Revrisond Baswir (UGM), Dr. P. Setia Lenggono (Chair of the Center for Pancasila Economic Studies at Trilogy University), Dr. Hendra Nurtjahjo, SH., M.Hum (Chairman of PSP – UP) and Dr. Sri Widyastuti, SE.,MM.,M.Si (Dean of FEB – UP). This activity was held in the Hall of the 4th floor of the Pancasila University Faculty of Economics and Business Building.
On October 11 2018, the Center for Pancasila Studies in collaboration with the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR – RI) held an interactive discussion with the theme "The Position of the MPR after the Amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the Projection of the Position of the MPR in the Future" at the Aristotle Room, Faculty of Law.
On October 30 2018, the Pancasila Study Center in collaboration with the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR - RI) held a Focus Group Discussion with the theme "Projection of the Position and Authority of the MPR in the State Administration System in Indonesia" at Hotel Savero Depok.
On December 6, 2018, the Center for Pancasila Studies at Pancasila University together with the Center for Constitutional Studies at the Faculty of Law at Pancasila University in collaboration with the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR – RI) held a National Seminar with the theme "MPR in Pancasila Democracy Mechanisms". The event was held at the Bumi Wiyata Hotel, Depok.
On June 27 2019, the Pancasila Studies Center will hold a Monthly Routine Discussion with the theme "Education of Pancasila Values for Early Childhood" which will be delivered by Dr. Ade Iva Murty, M.Sc. This activity was carried out in the Meeting Room on the 2nd floor of the Pancasila University Rectorate Building.
On August 7 & 8 2019, the Pancasila Study Center in collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology, Pancasila University held a Pancasila Character Building activity with the theme "Training of Student Activists in Planting Pancasila's Noble Values. Located in the Hall of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Pancasila.
On December 11 2019, the Center for Pancasila Studies in collaboration with the Indonesian Consultative Assembly (MPR – RI) held a seminar with the theme "Reconceptualization of the Direction of an Independent and Accountable Judicial Authority". The event was held at the Pancasila University Postgraduate School Auditorium.
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020-2021, the Pancasila Study Center is carrying out several activities online including:
- 9 June 2020: Workshop "Implementation of Pancasila Values in Campus Life Amidst Social-Cultural Diversity"
- 11 June 2020: Webinar "Understanding Pancasila in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic"
- 27 – 28 June 2020 (in collaboration with FH): Online National Conference “Human Rights, Culture and Indonesia's Sustainable Development Goals during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges for Legal and Social Sciences”
- 2 October 2020: Online Seminar "Ideology and Constitutional Relations"
- 25 March 2021: Focus Group Discussion with the theme "Implementation of Pancasila Values in Laws and Regulations"
- 8 – 9 May 2021: Webinar on Increasing Understanding of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
- 1 June 2021: Critical Study Webinar "Profile of Pancasila Students"
17 – 18 June 2021: Focus Group Discussion on the Development of the Pancasila Index Instrument and the Pancasila Character Development Roadmap
The Center for Pancasila Studies on June 27 2022 carried out a Kick-off activity for Instilling Pancasila Values for Students through "The Story of Pancasila Values in Action". Present as the Keynote Speaker, Chairman of the YPPUP Trustees, Dr. (HC). Ir. Siswono Yudohusodo and as resource persons are Prof. Dr. FX. Aji Samekto, SH., M.Hum and Prof. Dr. Andi Faisal Bakti, MA., Ph.D. This activity was attended by all university and faculty leaders.
In 2022 the Pancasila Study Center published a book entitled "Pancasila's Blue Sky in Perception". , and Head of the Graduate School Study Program.
The Center for Pancasila Studies collaborates with the MPR-RI Researcher, Dr. Ir. Mohammad Jafar Hafsah, IPM. wrote a book entitled NKRI, the Death of Pancasila and the Ideology of the Nation and State.
The Center for Pancasila Studies made a Pancasilaism Index Instrument which was formulated by experts. The Pancasilaisan Index instrument can be used to measure the implementation of Pancasila values for institutions, communities and individuals. The concept underlying the instrument in question is the concept of Pancasila, which includes Pancasila's basic values, Pancasila's instrumental values, Pancasila's practical values, and the values of each Pancasila's precepts.
In October 2022, in the series of Pancasila University Anniversary, the Center for Pancasila Studies with the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang & Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra in collaboration with the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) held a National Symposium "Pancasila as the Spirit of the Indonesian Nation (Volkgeist) ” which was attended by 100 participants offline and 200 participants online and Call For Papers of Indonesian Students with 94 participants from 25 provinces in Indonesia.