Release of Outbound Students for Participants in the Independent Student Exchange Program Batch 3 of 2023

On Wednesday (26/07/2023), Pancasila University held a release event for the 3rd Batch of Outbound Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM 3) 2023 students from the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Architecture, Communication Studies and Bachelor of Management.

This activity was attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Sri Widyastuti, SE, MM, M.SI. Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Anna Agustina, Msi., Ph.D. Head of Education Improvement and Development Institute (LP3) Ms. Dr. Nurmala Ahmar, SE., M.SI., Ak., CA. Head of the Academic Administration Bureau Mr. Hendri Sukma, ST., MT. Deputy Academic Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Mr. Muhammad Rosit, M.Sc. Deputy Dean of Administration and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Business Mr. Mulyadi, SE., MM. and Head of Management Undergraduate Study Program Dr. M. Nuruddin Subhan, SE., MM. The event was held on the 2nd floor of the Rectorate Building with a full sense of togetherness.

In his report, the Coordinator of the Merdeka Student Exchange Program (PMM) stated that there were 10 outbound students of the PMM 3 program at Pancasila University, where 10 of these students got placements at universities outside Java island including Medan State University, Udayana University, International University Batam, Sam Ratulangi University, Bengkulu University, Bandar Lampung University and Sriwijaya University.

Besides carrying out lectures for courses taken at PT Recipients, students also carry out lectures on the archipelago module where during one semester they have completed 8 diversity programs, 5 reflection activities and 2 inspirational activities and 1 social contribution activity.

PMM-UP Coordinator Mr. Hendri Sukma gave encouragement and applause to fellow students who have dared to accept the challenge of carrying out 1 semester lectures at other universities. And Mr. Hendri again reminded fellow students to really carry out and run this program, because the program has had many positive results.

In her remarks, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs expressed her hope that the PMM program could increase the competence of participants and broaden students' national insights by recognizing various cultures in the PT Recipient area and introducing the culture of the city of Jakarta to friends who come from other islands. Furthermore, this program is expected to increase leadership potential, self-confidence and sensitivity to social issues. One piece of advice that students must do in implementing this program is to study seriously and carry the good name of Pancasila University in every academic and non-academic activity.




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